Speedy Charts In MS Excel?
Create Charts the Quick & Easy Way In MS Excel
To instantly create a chart in Excel just select the cells to be charted and press the F11 key. A column chart of your data appears as a new sheet.
Alternatively, Hit Alt + F1 for A Lightning Quick Way to Create an Chart inside your worksheet
To change the default chart type from column to something else:
Step By Step - How change the default chart type:


From the Chart menu, click "Chart Type"  

Conditional Formatting    Excel Chart Type Dialogue

Click Thumbnails for the bigger picture!

2. Select the Chart type you want and click the "Set as default" chart button
3. Click OK. - What could be simpler?!

Hey Presto - Chart creation with 1 button! (Alright, two if you use the in worksheet method!)

What could be simpler?!
